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a. The Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps is one of the uniformed JROTC programs. The uniform is an important element in the morale, pride,

discipline and effectiveness of the NJROTC program in your school. It is important for NJROTC cadets to maintain a high standard of dress and personal appearance. The key elements are neatness, cleanliness, safety and military image. The purpose of this section in the Cadet Field Manual is to acquaint you with the wearing of the Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps uniform.


b. The military uniform is a symbol of the nation's defense forces. It projects an image of devotion to duty in the service of one's country. The word

"uniform" comes from a combination of two Latin words, unus and forma, which means "one form." Thus the word "uniform" suggests a distinctive mode of dress. In ancient times military dress acquired a certain degree of sameness,but in a much different design from the modern military uniforms. They were, nevertheless, military uniforms in the sense that all the soldiers looked alike. To this extent we assign the origin of the military uniform to an early date in western civilization.


c. The uniform worn by the Navy Junior ROTC cadets is the same, with certain exceptions, as that worn by active duty Navy personnel. Cadets do not wear commissioned officer rank insignia or sleeve braid. Uniform articles must not be worn with other civilian clothing nor should they be loaned to other classmates who are not members of the Navy Junior ROTC program. You are obligated to wear the uniform properly and proudly, and in doing so, you uphold the dignity of the Navy, your NJROTC unit, fellow cadets, and yourself.




a. Smartness. Wearing the Navy uniform should be a matter of personal pride to all NJROTC Cadets. Your dress and conduct shall be such as to reflect credit upon your NJROTC unit, your school, your community, the Navy and your country. Caps shall be worn squarely on the head, with the bottom edge horizontal. Shoes shall be kept well-shined and in good repair. No articles, such as pencils, pens, watch chains, jewelry, combs, or similar items shall be worn exposed when in uniform.


b. Care of the Uniform. The maximum service life of the various uniform articles can only be attained by proper care and maintenance. No matter how wellfitting  your uniform is when new, it will not continue to look its best or  keep its shape unless it is carefully pressed and worn properly. By carrying large or heavy objects in the pockets, you can rapidly destroy the shape of  the best uniform made. You should always hang the uniforms on a hanger when not in use. Many items must be dry cleaned instead of washed. Be careful not to damage clothing through improper care. Uniforms shall be kept clean, neat and in good repair. Insignia and devices shall be bright and free from tarnish and corrosion.

c. Uniform of the Day. The uniform of the day is the uniform your naval science instructor (NSI) will direct you to wear on any given day. The uniform color,Navy blue, is actually black in appearance. The Service Dress Blue uniform (officers and chiefs) is reserved for formal occasions; the Khaki Navy
Service Uniform (w/V-Neck Sweater (Optional) is the uniform you may be directed to wear year-round.

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