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EOY Award Banquet


On May 20th 2014, the RVSHS NJROTC Unit took part in the 11th annual End Of The Year Awards Ceremony. The ceremony was held on campus in the RVHS cafeteria. It is one of the biggest events put on by the battalion during the academic year and is the final large and formal event held by the battalion before summer break and the end of the 2nd semester.






The battalion Awards Ceremony provides an opportunity for cadets to interact with one another in a formal environment. The annual awards ceremony gives the unit staff and others the ability to recognize the achievements and hard work of the RVHS NJROTC cadets.







The cadet Commanding Officer of the RVHS NJROTC Unit, Cadet Commander Mccauley, introduced the guest speaker Mr. Robert Heilmann, Principal Riverview H.S who congratulated the unit for its hard work and receiving the Distinguish Unit award for the ninth time.







Following the speech by Principal Heilmann, numerous veteran organizations awarded cadets based on their scholastic achievement, leadership abilities, physical fitness, and unit contributions. 







The United State Navy and Marine Corps also presented awards to worthy   cadets for their hard work.  Commander Richard Steinestel Senior Naval Science Instructor announced the new top three cadet staff positions (Cadet CO, XO, and CMC) for the 2014-2015 school years. The cadet Commanding Officer went to Cadet Joseph Ruiz, the c/Executive Officer went to Cadet Angelica Rivera, and the c/Command Master Chief went to Cadet Aaron Hicks.







Congratulations to all cadets that received award recognition for their hard and contribution to the battalion.

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