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MCRD Parris Island 

Admiral Farragut Leadership Academy

ARMY vs NAVY JROTC Flag Football Game

Award Banquet



Color Company Competition


Community Service

MCRD Parris Island

Basic Leadership Training

New Cadet Orientation


NJROTC Navy Ball

Platoon Commanders Camp

Principal Cup Competition

Relay for Life

The JAWS Bowl

Senior Mess Night

Admiral Farragut Sailing Orientation











































         During the week of April 1st – 4th 2014, a selected number of Cadets from the Shark battalion and Tampa Bay Tech Traveled to MCRD Parris Island for an Orientation trip. During the visit to Parris Island, the cadets observed the following training: Yellow Foot Prints Indoctrination. This allows the cadets too briefly experience what a new recruit experiences when he or she arrives at Parris Island.    The confidence Courses is a series of obstacles such as the Arm stretcher, Inverted Wall, run Jump & swing, Monkey Bridge, Wall Climb, Sky Scraper and the Dirty Name. Each cadet volunteered to negotiate and physically challenge him or herself and build self-confidence.

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Trip to Parris Island MCRD 2013-2014 

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