Riverview High School
Home of the Shark Battalion
EST: 2003
11311 Boyette Road Riverview, FL 33569
Phone: 813-671-5011 ex:280 Fax: 813-671-5012
New Cadet Orientation (NCO)
New Cadet Orientation:
The Riverview High School NJROTC New Cadet Orientation (NCO) period is structured to provide entry-level familiarity to a military atmosphere and the NROTC Program in particular. It is not a boot camp or a weeding out period. The adjustment to a military environment can be stressful and NCO will aid in familiarizing new cadets with this challenging, yet rewarding experience. New cadets are not expected to emerge from this training as fully polished NJROTC members. They are expected to establish a solid foundation for the learning, growth and opportunities that the next four years will present.
Specifically, NCO affords the opportunity for basic indoctrination in Followership, Navy uniform regulations and grooming standards; an introduction to basic military customs, courtesies, traditions, and Unit organization; acquisition of basic competency in military drill; physical fitness testing and training; and instruction in the benefits of participation in the NJROTC program and responsibilities as Cadet.During NCO, new cadets participate in many activities with other members their class. New cadets should expect to participate in some, or all of the following: physical fitness training, introduction to drill, classes on military customs, history and proper uniform wear. Safety is paramount during NCO.
All of the training at NCO is carefully scrutinized to eliminate any needless risk. Members of the RVHS NROTC staff are with the new students every step of the way. The purpose of NCO is to motivate by example, demonstrating excellence through leadership. Finally, while NCO is a serious event, there is also time for fun. Once acclimated to their new roles and responsibilities, new students begin to develop a special “esprit de corps” and sense of fraternity with their fellow cadets, and an appreciation and pride for the history and traditions of the naval service.
New Cadet Orientation (NCO) is not mandatory for incoming cadet freshmen but it is highly encouraged. The week concludes with a Picnic, where parents are invited to return to see their sons and daughters perform an exhibition in close order drill. This allows the students to showcase what they have learned over the week and allow them to bond even closer as a class. This bond will be continually developed and reinforced during their time here at RVHS NJROTC.There will also be an award ceremony.
The NCO program will include classes on the following subjects:
Introduction to the NJROTC Program
NJROTC Unit and Battalion structure/Chain of Command
Introduction Drill
Chain of Command
NJROTC Uniform
Extra-Curricular Activity
Though cadets are expected to maintain good academic standing while in the program, it is understood that cadets are also students who should strive to get the most out of their high school experience. Joining competition teams, clubs on campus, involving themselves in the surrounding community through community service, finding a part-time job, or playing sports are all highly encouraged activities for cadets in the program. Assistance for any of these things can be found by talking to an NJROTC instructor, an RVHS sports coach, or a fellow senior cadet who may know the ropes. Being involved in the extra-curricular activity helps build a better-rounded individual and helps a cadet grow in their respective interests.

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