Riverview High School
Home of the Shark Battalion
EST: 2003
11311 Boyette Road Riverview, FL 33569
Phone: 813-671-5011 ex:280 Fax: 813-671-5012
Admiral Farragut Leadership Academy
Every summer Admiral Farragut Academy hosts the NJROTC Area Seven Leadership Academy. This Academy is usually held in early June and normally consists of two sessions that run from Sunday to the following Saturday. Although the Academy is held at Admiral Farragut, attendance is controlled by the NJROTC Area Manager. Admiral Farragut, along with other Florida schools, compete for a limited number of quotas at the Academy.
The purpose of the leadership academy is to help prepare selected NJROTC cadets for leadership roles in their respective units. The objectives of Leadership Academy are:
To promote habits of orderliness and precision, and to develop respect for constituted authority.
To challenge and motivate cadets to push toward their physical and intellectual limits. Cadets will continually be called upon to meet high standards of personal appearance, self-discipline, and meticulous attention to detail.
To instill a high degree of personal honor, self-reliance, and confidence in each cadet by presenting a military environment in which cadets will be forced to rely upon themselves and their shipmates to study, work, and learn.
To enhance the basic attitude, knowledge and skills required to practice the art of leadership.
Successful completion of Leadership Academy includes passing a physical fitness test and a series of practical leadership activities. These usually include:
1. Leadership Characteristics for the Cadet Officer
2. Physical Fitness and the Leader
3. Field Leadership (orienteering)
4. Obstacle Course
5. Commanding Troops
6. Inspecting Troops
7. Sword Manual
8. Social Etiquette and Manners
9. Sail Training
Leadership Academy is intended for upcoming juniors and seniors and is designed to help teach and motivate them for potential leadership positions at their individual Units. The Academy isnot recommended for upcoming sophomores. Leadership Academy is physically, emotionally and mentally demanding, but a very rewarding experience. All cadets who come well prepared will receive a tremendous benefit from this program. The Director of Naval Science is responsible for ensuring that only the top candidates are recommended for this training. The main objective of the Academy is to return a highly motivated cadet who will provide leadership for the unit for the next school year--someone who can come in and supervise, organize and train other unit members. Cadets who are mentally immature or physically unfit to complete all aspects of the NJROTC Leadership Academy cannot be recommended for the Academy.