Riverview High School
Home of the Shark Battalion
EST: 2003
11311 Boyette Road Riverview, FL 33569
Phone: 813-671-5011 ex:280 Fax: 813-671-5012
PC Camp is a 4-day program held on Riverview High School campus 2 week prior to the beginning of the school year. The purpose of the PC Camp is to help prepare attending cadets for leadership roles in the battalion.
a. Scope. The scope and concept of the Platoon Commander Camp is four-fold:
(1) First and foremost, it is a LEADERSHIP CAMP. The focus is on the further development of the Cadet’s leadership abilities and potential.
(2) Second, it is designed to provide the cadet with a thorough knowledge of those basic subjects covered in new cadet orientation.
(3) Third, it gives the cadet knowledge of the Standard Operating Procedures governing the RVHS NJROTC program.
(4) Fourth, it physically prepares the cadet to lead his/her class period during physical training days.
PC Camp is intended for upcoming sophomores, juniors and seniors cadets and is designed to help teach and motivate them for potential leadership positions within the battalion. The main objective of the PC Camp is to develop a highly motivated cadet who will provide leadership for the unit for the next school year—a cadet who can come in and supervise, organize and train other battalion members.
Successful completion of PC Camp includes passing a physical fitness test and a series of practical leadership activities. These usually include:
1. Leadership Characteristics
2. Physical Fitness and the Leader
3. Classroom Leadership Evaluation
4. Platoon Inspection Evaluation
5. Sword Manual Evaluation
6. Platoon Drill Evaluation
7. Social Etiquette and Manners
Through a combination of classroom instruction and team building activities, each cadet is challenged to achieve his or her potential. PC Camp is not mandatory but it is highly encouraged.